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  Suitable for Lamborghini / Urus

Lamborghini Urus rear silencer crossways, exit R+L w/ 2 exhaust flaps - 2x115x85 type 38 right/left

This product was added to our catalog on Wednesday, 10 May, 2023.

Fox Lamborghini Urus rear silencer crossways, exit R+L w/ 2 exhaust flaps - 2x115x85 type 38 right/left

Part Number: LM010005-462

Including mounting material - Our tailpipes are all shiny silver, they are polished by hand to a high gloss

Motorisation: 4.0l 478kW
Construction year: from 2021
pipe cross-section: 70mm
Permit: EC certificate (free of registration)

$6,118.50 Aud

* All prices include delivery

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